Jonas Neubert

… works with bits and atoms

I took a shower on a train and I liked it

Published - Apr 17 2017

(Updated: )

Conny and I recently took Amtrak’s California Zephyr train from Chicago back home to San Francisco. Knowing the troubled relationship the US has with railway travel, I was anxious about being on a train for 48 hours. But the small inconveniences of living on a train were far outweighed by the enjoyment of watching the countryside pass by outside the window.

Since regularly crossing Germany by train to get to an from boarding school, I enjoy trains as one of the few places where I experience boredom, albeit only in homeopathic doses. This time, I had the serendipitous idea to “tweet-storm” a series of 29 photos from the 2,438 miles long trip. Here are the tweets:

If you are feeling inspired to hop on a train, here is the Amtrak route network map.